Sadly, I only got to see the ending of this film, so I didn't really know the back story or the characters. But overall I thought it was pretty good. I got to see the hockey game and watch them beat the USSR. I really loved the scene where the coach told them in the arena to take it in, when everyone was shouting for USA. The ending gave me chills, and it's just so awesome to know that this event happened.
From what I know, in this time in the Cold War and the Iranian hostages (shoutout to Argo), the US was going through some really tough times. The Olympics were a relief and a break from the series of bad going in our society. This game, against the Soviets was such a big deal because (making an assumption..missed the movie) I believe that one of the best American players were injured, and then went on to play in the Olympic game. Then I would explain how American won and it was such an exciting win because the guys on the team weren't payed NHL players like they are today, but just guys who were really good at hockey.
An event for me in which I truly felt that America just put aside differences and came together was when the terrible shooting at Sandy Hook took place. It was not a cheerful or happy event, but the spirit of the American people, who all took a step back and looked at our country and our gun laws and began to demand regulation. In this moment, the strength and survival instinct of the American people made me so proud to be American, even in the face of such a disgusting, vile, act of hatred. This time was hard, but the reaction of the American people truly warmed my heart.
Hello Nicole. You chose a very good part of the movie to only get a glimpse of. I agree that it was exiting to see the US beat the USSR. Very nice review!
ReplyDeleteI really liked how you connected the movie and the time period to the Iranian hostage crisis because I forgot how crucial this time in American history really was because of all of these events. Also, the olympics is a time to put differences aside between countries and focus on the good things so that was also highly relevant to the movie. But mostly I'm so glad you commented about Argo because it's one of my favorite movies! Can't wait to watch it in class.
ReplyDeleteNicole, I recommend you watch this film from the beginning because you really get to appreciate how attractive some of the hockey players are, but also I am glad you still enjoyed the film and appreciate that it was a true story and a great one for that matter.
ReplyDeleteI like what you said about the Sandy Hook shootings uniting the American people in a way similar to how the US hockey team winning the 1980 Olympics did. I agree that it was nice to have seen such an overwhelmingly supportive response and sense of unity from the American people to the despicable thing that happened there.
ReplyDeleteI like everything you said about this movie. I thought it was very influential and I love the connections you made! Awesome movie and very attractive men ;)
ReplyDeleteI agree with everything that Nicole said about this movie, it was definitely very exciting to watch and an amazing victory. Like Nicole, I also mentioned school shootings in my post. Although America has been united through such awful tragedies recently, it can be kind of compared to how America was united after they beat the Soviet Union.